Our Dad

Created by joannahonour 3 years ago

 Our Dad.

Our Dad is our hero, in fact, our super, human hero. From the moments we were both born he was in awe of us, we felt exactly the same way. As children, we would have our own way of showing this. When I learned to walk I would follow him around the house just to see what he was doing. Fliss would sing songs to him to make him laugh and in childhood years also performed songs in the kitchen in order to wiggle her way out of doing the drying up. 

He was and still is a constant source of love, guidance, and strength to us both. 

His love for our Mum is unending, the love of his life and mother to his children. Together they cherish an unbreakable bond that we always knew was the pillar of our family, on which all our foundations are built. This love is unwavering and ongoing.

As a small child, I used to inform everybody that my Dad could fix everything. Any friends whose toys were broken I would insist they give them to me.  I proudly took them home, give them to Dad, and asked him to fix them. He gladly mended anything and everything. Many random broken toys were brought home and Dad fixed every single one. He was our hero, the spell could never be broken. 

He was so proud of every achievement we made from Fliss appearing in the Silver Sword at the Belgrade Theatre as Bronia aged only seven. The many Youth Operetta Group theatre productions we were both in, which he and Mum headed up the front of house with such pride and as recalled by a friend recently as ‘the handsome man in the dinner jacket’.  Be it musical or academic achievements he was supportive and determined we should do our best and was always exceptionally proud. 

As we became older his love and support never faltered. It is only with adult eyes we can now understand how our upbringing was truly special and know how blessed it is to love and be loved in return by such wonderful parents. 

He was fabulous with words, a trait inherited by Fliss, and his father-of-the-bride speeches were both memorable testaments to this. His ability to complete cryptic crosswords still astounds us all to this day. He embraced the two wonderful men we married as part of our family and became a source of strength and comfort for them both. Something that Krystan and Andy hold very dear. 

This moved Dad into his next phase, at 65 he became a loving grandfather to Isla and then Lachlan. A role perfectly built for such an amazing, loving, and honest man. If it is possible to find such love after your children, it must be that of a grandparent. He adored them with all of his being and as we did before, it is returned by them wholeheartedly. 

Missed but never forgotten, fly high Dad remember we love you, now and always. X